Tuesday, November 17, 2009

PEN DRIVES....! Will drive you crazy....!

Monday, November 2, 2009

How Can Get the Right Computer Software Programs!

Computer Software is a vast term used to describe a collection of computer programs, procedures and documentation that all perform tasks on a computer system. Computer software is the applications that we use on our computers such as office programmers and even windows it. Computer software is any programmer that we load onto and install on our computers.

Computer Software is usually brought in CD format and is then installed onto our computers from this. Any new programs etc that you buy for your computer can be classed as a form of software. Without software you wouldn’t get very far with the use of your computer. For more details go to .When software is placed or opened on your computer it is loaded into the RAM and executed through the central processing unit (CPU) it is then available for you to use.

Software comes in three main types, the first being system software. This helps to run your computer hardware
as well as your computer system. The second is programming software. This provides tools to assist programmers in writing computer programs, for more details visit to www.software-index-website.com such as text editors, compliers, interpreters and linkers. The last form of software is application software. This allows end users to accomplish one or more specific tasks. Typical applications include industrial, business, educational, medical databases and computer games; businesses being the biggest users of application software.

There are many avenues in which you go approach in order to buy computer software such as you can buy it new from retail stores; however many people find it difficult to find the exact software that they need from a retail store and often turn to buying software online.

The Internet in itself is a bigger competitive market. You have more chance of finding what you need by using the Internet. This applies to the purchasing of computer software. There are many Internet sites that primarily focus on the selling of Computer Software giving you more of a chance of finding what you want as well as giving you more choice of brands and the power of a software. For more details visit to www.scripts-to-sell.com it can also be cheaper if you buy it online as there are a number of good deals around that will enable that you get the most for your money.

One good site that appears on the Internet is called kelkoo. This site is a price comparison site specifically for computer parts and software. Again this demonstrates that by using the Internet you are more likely to get a good deal on the software that you purchase. Also the Internet can sometimes give you the option of online downloads meaning that you can purchase and download your product at any time and from anywhere in the world. For more information . One thing that you need to be aware of however if you are hoping to use the Internet to purchase your software is fraud. In order to ensure that you are buying a genuine copy you should find out about the site that you are buying your software from or stick to retailers that you are aware of. This makes sure that you don’t spend money on something that could potentially harm your computer and that is also illegal.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How To Speed Up Computer Without Having Superior Computer Knowledge

A computer normally becomes slow with the ages. We tend to overload our computer with a number of files, games and other software which sometimes exceed the capacity of the PC and it becomes slow. There are a number of Computer users who do not know the reason that makes a computer slow and buy a new PC replacing the old one. But speeding up an old and slow computer is not at all a difficult job. Even a person who does not have advanced Computer knowledge can do it easily.

Once you find that your computer which was otherwise working fine has suddenly become slow it means you may need to clean the registry of your computer. Windows registry is the powerhouse of the computer. Your entire PC activities are registered here. Within a very short period of time the registry becomes overloaded with the entries and the PC becomes slow. To speed up computer you should clean the registry which means reorganizing the entire registry.

Reorganizing the windows registry is not an easy job. It can get difficult even for those who have sufficient knowledge on computer. But as there are a number of specially crafted registry cleaner software are available in the market. Therefore, most people do not take the risk of executing this task themselves.

Downloading and deleting programs frequently makes a computer registry corrupted. For example, removing an application that you have downloaded few days ago makes your computer slow. But that does not mean that you cannot delete or download an application if you want. But you need to clean the registry frequently to speed up computer.

There are a number of good registry cleaner software available in the market. While choosing you should select the best among them. Otherwise it may prove to be fatal for your PC. You may have to spend a few bucks for it but it will ensure the safety of your PC.

Many computer users have not heard about registry cleaner software and some other simply ignore this part. But if they pay a little attention they can save themselves from dealing with a slow computer. Computer is a very complicated device and we need to take care of it properly as we do to the other devices.

Manage Your Internet Explorer

You may have notice that after you have downloaded some files or programs from the Internet
, your homepage of the explorer will likely be changed. Many people resort to changing the settings of the Internet Options and some will ignore this. But most of them are not aware that the system has been secretly altered until the big errors occur. IE is the eye of the PC users to the outside world, which makes it the most possible one to be attacked by malicious programs. Because of this, you will probably encounter the malfunction of it and have to do something. You have to slow down your pace and take a look at the problems you may meet.

For IE 5, there will be problems caused by out-of-date files, incorrect or incomplete registration of files. You can use the explorer repair tool in the Control Panel. If the repair tool detects an error, it might correct it automatically; in this case, you need restart your computer to complete the repair process. For certain types of errors, if you have received the error message "Internet Explorer
5 cannot be repaired. Please reinstall it", or other errors, it means the above repairs do not help.

Internet Explorer 6.x is very tightly integrated into Windows, more so than other programs. Microsoft does not offer any way to repair it through the Add/Remove Programs control panel. To repair or reinstall the browser you need the Windows CD. Run "sfc /scan now" and you will be prompted to provide the Windows CD. You can complete it by following a few steps. There will be messages if the repair fails.

In this case, you can reinstall the explorer. But you have to edit the registry to make Windows allow a full reinstallation of it. It is really time-consuming and risky to do the registry editing. Any error in editing registry can potentially cause Windows unable to boot, requiring you to reinstall Windows. What can we do if the reinstallation fails due to that we can not do registry editing properly? Actually, we can be relaxed when our Internet Explorer doesn't work properly, because there are so many standby tools available in the market. They are designed for solve the situations that the Internet Explorer is not working smoothly. Internet Explorer always stays minimised, new windows can not be opened with Internet Explorer hyperlink, and so on. You have options to repair or make a restore of your Internet Explorer with one click method. Registryeasy is highly recommended by many people and very convenient for fixing Internet Explorer errors. It is very powerful on all kinds of fixing IE problems and able to do the registry editing safely and effectively.

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Basics of Seo Through Seo Expert - Some Faqs

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a substance foreign to many people. Rarely a day passes when I do not get asked a few questions on the topic. So I decided to publish this article in the FAQ hopes it will help people to understand the basics, and make them a little more comfortable with the whole area.

Q: Why Search Engine important to me?

A: 85% of all website traffic is driven by the search engines. The only online activity more popular than research is a messaging service. 79.2% of American users do not go to page 2 of the results. 42% of users click on the no.1 result. For the under-40 years, the Internet will become the most used in the media the next 2-3 years.

Q: How do search engines decide their ranking? SEO Expert

A: IMPORTANT: You can not pay a search engine in exchange for a high ranking in the natural results. You can get a high if your content is deemed relevant by the search engines.
The search engines to identify content for their search results by sending spiders robots exploration (analysis) and index your site his (record) details. Complex algorithms are then used to determine if your site is useful and should be included in the search engines search results.

Q: Can I simply not pay for a senior?

A: No. The biggest concern for companies search engine like Google and Yahoo is to find the content that will bring them more traffic (and thus more advertising revenue). In other words, their results must be relevant. The results relevant is a good search engine; irrelevant results allows for a short-lived search engines.

Most search engines these days with two kinds of results, whenever you click Search:

"X Natural / Organic is the real search results. Results that most users are looking for and which form the largest part of the window. For most searches, the search engine displays a long list links to sites with content that is related to the word you searched. These results are ranked according to their relevance and importance.
"X Pure Paid advertising. This is how search engines make their money. Advertisers pay the search engines to display their ad whenever someone is looking for a word that is related to their product or service. These ads are similar to that of search results, but are usually labeled Sponsored and normally take a small portion of the window.

Q: How can I get a good ranking?

A: There are four stages:
Step 1 - Use the right words on your site
Step 2 - Get lots of relevant sites to link to yours
Step 3 - Use the right words in these links
Step 4 - Have a lot of your content and add more regularly

Q: What is search engine optimization (SEO)?

A: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art of creating a Web site that is search engine. That means:
1. using the right words in your copy
2. using the right words in your HTML
3. structure your site correctly
4. design your site

For more information on these elements 4, download our "SEO eBook" Secrets of Seo Services .

Many people use SEO also describe the other ingredients in a high-ranking, "Link Popularity".

Q: What is the link popularity?

A: Think of the search engines as a big election. All sites in the world are candidates. The backlinks are votes. The more votes (links) a candidate (website) has, the more important it is, the higher its ranking. Link popularity is all about the number of links you have, and how you can get more.
Links to your site on search engines to tell how your site is important. They assume that if it ¡| s important enough to many other sites to link to it ¡| s important enough for them to appear at the top of the ranking. Links are the most important factor in the ranking. In general, the more you link to your site from other sites, the higher your ranking.

Q: Are there any links better than others?

A: Yes! Ideally, such as those related to:
1. from relevant sites (sites that use the same keywords);
2. comes from important sites (have a good ranking);
3. include your keyword within the text link;
4. includes various link text (not the same link text each time), and
5. comes from a page that contains links to several other sites.

When a search engine sees a link that meets most or all of these conditions, she said, Hey, this site must be credible and important, because others in the same sector are pointing towards it.

Q: How do I get lots of links to my site?

A: There are several possible ways to generate links. Some are dubious (like auto-generation software and sites set up by webmasters simply to host links to other sites) and I won’ t discussed here. Others, such as those discussed below, are legitimate.
1. Add your site to DMOZ and Yahoo directories (and other free directories)
2. Check where your competitors links are from
3. Write and submit articles for publication on the Internet
4. Swap links
5. Partner websites
6. pay for the bonds

Q: What do you think is the best way to get a good number of links?

A: Article PR. Writing articles useful and leave other webmasters to publish free of charge in exchange for a link in the byline. PR of the article, you do not have to pay for the link, you determine the content of the page containing the link, you determine the link text and the link is more or less permanent. A single article can be replicated hundreds of times, and each time is another link to your site!
For more information, read divinewrite.com / seoarticles.htm or visit ArticlePR.com.

Q: How can I write a good article PR piece?

A: See divinewrite.com / seoarticles.htm.

Q: How can I get a good classification using free reprint content?

A: See our signature.

Q: How long does it take to get a high rank in search engines?

A: A long! It is impossible to say how long you will need to spend generating links, but you can be sure it will be a while, whatever the method of generation link you are using. You just have to keep at it until you have achieved a high ranking. Even then, you will still have to devote some time during the task, otherwise your ranking declines.

Q: What is the Google Sandbox, and is it true?

A: The Google Sandbox theory suggests that whenever Google detects a new website, it withholds its rightful ranking for a period while it determines whether your site is a genuine, credible, long term site. It does this to discourage the creation of SPAM websites (sites which serve no purpose other than to boost the ranking of some other sites).

There is a lot of anecdotal evidence supporting the theory, but there are also many discount. Nobody categorically proved its existence.

Q: What is the link Google depreciation filter, and is it true?

A: The depreciation Google Link Filter theory suggests that if Google detects a sudden increase (ie several hundreds or thousands) in the number of links to your site, they can sandpit for a period (or in fact penalize you by lowering your ranking Or of a blacklist of your site).

There is a lot of anecdotal evidence supporting the theory, but there are also many discount. Nobody categorically proved its existence.

Q: What do I SEO firms beware of?
A: Beware of SEO companies that promise or guarantee results within a given time frame, especially if they will not expand their ways to link to your site.

Q: I am confused by all the terms used in SEO, can you help?
A: See our signature for be SEO Expert.

Q: What is keyword analysis?
A: The first thing you need to do when you begin to run after a good search engine ranking is deciding which words you want to rank well. This is called conduct a keyword analysis. The keyword analysis involves a bit of research and a good understanding of your business and the benefits you offer your customers.
For more information, download our free 'SEO eBook "Secrets of SEO Expert.

Q: Should I submit my site to search engines?
A: Theoretically, no. But I do not want to risk not to do so - especially since it's free. As soon as you register your domain name, submit it to Google! Even if you haven ¡| t built your site, or thought about your content, submit your domain name to Google. In fact, even if you have not fully articulated your business plan and marketing plan, submit your domain name to Google.

For more information, download our free 'SEO eBook "Secrets of divinewrite.com / seosecrets.htm.

Q: Should I submit my site to search engines more than once?
A: No need. Although some search engines let you do this, there is really no need.

Q: What are the directories and do I submit my site to them?
A: Directories are sites (or Web pages), which lists simply great site and give a brief description of the site. Some are free and some require you to pay for an ad. Free directories are useful because you get a free link. However, the links are not worth much. Paid directories can be good if they are relevant, but can be expensive in the long run, so choose carefully.

An essential for any directories website is the DMOZ Open Directory Project.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How Do You Backup Computer Software?

In today's world, most people own at least one computer at which they spend a great deal of personal and working time. By doing so, they are generating a lot of important data and using often expensive programs to perform various tasks. So what happens when the computer hard drive, the part of the computer that stores all this data and the programs, decides to "crash" or quit working? That can be very devastating to the computer owner when it happens, as you may have guessed already.

What precautions can a computer user take to avoid losing all of their important data and software in the off-chance that their system goes down? Computer professionals recommend that users regularly back up their data to an outside source. This can be to a portable digital device like a disk, a flash drive or a website designed specially for storing data securely. Likewise, software can be backed up as well and here are some suggestions on how to best go about doing this periodically.

Keep a spare hard-drive

Some computers, including laptops, come with removable hard drives that can be exchanged with other removable hard drives. This can be especially convenient when you have to travel away from your business computer and need to carry with you all of your computer contents. But this can also be very useful when you back up your computer software and other large files that will probably be too large for a simple disk file or flash drive. Using the default windows backup process that your computer came with, you can install backups onto the removable hard drive and then keep it in a safe place just in case you ever need to restore these files to your exiting or another computer.

Utilize a backup software

There are several reliable software products out there on the market that can make a copy of any software applications you are using on your computer, plus any files and store them securely on an outside and secure, web-based server. The software essentially makes a carbon copy of your entire hard drive that can be accessed if needed. This is less expensive than buying an actual backup hard drive as well. This type of software is often referred to as "PC Recovery" software. Be sure to review the different types available before settling on one that will work for you.

Company servers

If you are using a computer at your employers, chances are it is already connected to a central server. Any programs you download will also be copied to that server, including any files or work you process on your computer. In the case of a system crash, the IT administrators for your company can pull up your data and software and restore it to your new or repaired computer easily.

It is always a good idea to get in the habit of backing up your data on a regular basis. Use your windows operating system backup function to do this or follow the instructions set forth by your company IT department.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fix Msvcr71.dll Not Found Error With Registry Cleaner

If your computer is crashing every single time you load a program and is giving error messages such as "msvcr71 dll not found",then you're reading the right article!These error messages are most commonly due to spyware. However, there are many other reasons for them.DLL files are systems process directly related to your computer's Windows Registry. All Dll files are a part of vast library that contains code and data that is shared by many programs. This helps to produce speed and memory efficiency in your operating system by reusing the same code or file to run many functions by various programs. An error occurs when program aren't allowed to access this code.
Why Do I Have These DLL Errors Anyway?

When the DLL file is missing or becomes corrupted, any application using that file cannot be loaded and produces that annoying DLL error.

The main reasons why you have these DLL error messages and why the dll file has gone missing, are probably :

1. Linked directly to spyware or a virus. This kind of spyware and malware often tries to hijack the files being shared by the DLL file.
2. Linked to invalid entries that exist in your system registry, that might exist because of software you are no longer using or software that was not properly removed.

By removing these invalid entries and by allowing programs sharing the DLL file then to operate efficiently, you can significantly increase the speed and performance of your PC.
How do I fix a msvcr71 dll not found error?

Fixing msvcr71.dll not found error is easy to do with registry repair software. Trying to fix msvcr71.dll not found error on your own can be tricky because if you remove or damage the registry it can cause severe damage to your computer. The registry needs to be cleaned and all erroneous and incomplete information removed to stop DLL errors from occurring. If you scan your computer with registry repair software it will detect the problems in your registry and safely remove them.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Getting the CCNA Training You Need

Would you like to be able to work for any number of corporations in an IT capacity but don’t have the training that you need to get these jobs? CCNA training will definitely allow you to get the jobs that you want and have the knowledge that you need to work with many different types of network systems.

CCNA is an acronym for Cisco Certified Network Association. This training indications a training as well as an apprentice knowledge of networking. When you have this training you will not only be able to install but also configure and operation WAN, LAN, and dial up access services for networks with 100 nodes or fewer. With this training you’ll have the knowledge to use protocols such as IGRP, IP, Serial, Frame Relay, IP RIP, RIP, Ethernet, Access Lists, and VLANs. In short, you will be able to do a lot with this training, getting your feet wet with a career in IT.

Wondering how you can make time for CCNA training? This is an issue that a lot of people have when they are currently working to pay the bills but would like to further their education so they can get better paying jobs in the future. A great way to get all of the training that you need is through a CCNA CBT program. A CCNA CBT program is one that allows for you to get your Cisco Certified Network Association training through a computer based training program. This is ideal for a growing number of people who would like to become CCNA certified but don’t have the time to sit in a classroom.

A computer based program for this type of program is really nice because you can fit the training into your schedule when it works for you. With these programs you don’t need to sit in a classroom for a few hours a week, instead you can log onto a computer and get educated at a time that works for you. In some instances this will be in the middle of the night while in other instances it will be early in the morning, or whatever works for you.

Computer based CCNA programs are nice because they allow you to go about your normal every day life, but also further your education so you can better your life on your own watch. Education has become a lot more convenient through computer based training because there is no making time for traveling to a school, no need to sit in a classroom, you make time for your training when it works for you, taking as much or as little time as you need.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sony Vaio VGN NS25G/S Laptop

If you plan to buy Sony Vaio VGN NS25G/S Laptop, have a look at its features. This is a simple notebook, you can carry everywhere. Despite being a simple design, it attracts the onlookers. It has round corners and can be comfortably slipped into the bag. It has fabric like texture which tempts you to touch it. This is blend of contemporary style with aesthetic but functional design. This elegant notebook comes in there colors, Nightfall Blue, Silk White and Granite Silver. Every color of the notebook is highlights the clean lines, subtly textured chassis .and ingenious hidden seams of this extremely elegant laptop. 15.4-inch LCD offers amazingly sharp images while conserving power.

One extremely useful feature is the presence of multiple USB ports as this is quite a peripheral friendly NS. Out of its four ports, two are on each side. You can easily connect things like flash drive, mouse, MP3 player or printer, without any fuss as the ports are conveniently located in the front of the chassis.

Its built-in Motion Eye webcam and microphone gives you chance to start a video chat or conference with your faraway friends and colleagues. This camera is perfect for capturing video, still shots and a face-to-face talk.

Frequently used applications can be launched with touch of a button. There is a dedicated menu opened by the A/V mode. This menu centralizes nine most used programs. You can do all these functions from one convenient location.

This laptop is provided with extremely fast Intel Pentium processor and 4GB memory. With the help of built-in editing software suite and CD/DVD drive burner, you can easily edit, import and share your digital photos and home movies. And you have access all the features while you are on move as it has integrated 802.11 b/g/n wireless LAN technologies.

You can find many online Sony Vaio VGN NS25G/S Laptop reviews which would give an idea about the features and performance of the device. For getting a discounted Sony Vaio VGN NS25G/S Laptop price, you may have to make a search online. There are many online stores offering good deals.

Friday, July 3, 2009

How to Choose Performance Management Software

Performance management software is a software application that you use to keep track of how your organization is doing. This type of software replaces relying on printed or static reports or even trying to manage a home-made performance management system using spreadsheets. The software automatically takes in new actuals and results from your enterprise databases and compares them to budgets, targets, goals and/or forecasts. So charts, diagrams and graphs are created automatically and and are free from human error, guaranteeing maximum accuracy. Also, since the process is completely automated, your daily, weekly, or monthly analysis of your enterprise performance becomes much more streamlined and the time savings leads to greater productivity.

Performance management solutions are mainly aimed at medium to large companies that have to keep track of the performance of various lines of business and departmental functions. This might include, but is not limited to inventory tracking, sales performance, geographical tracking of actuals and a lot of other key metrics that keep the business performing well. The main aim is to provide a easy way for business managers and executives to keep track of how the business is faring at any given time. So there are various aspects to be looked into while you go about selecting performance management software.

The first thing to do is not to get confused by the lingo. You will read terms like Corporate Performance Management (CMP), Business Performance Management (BPM) or Strategic Performance Management (SPM). In actuality, they are one and the same, and at the most they are only slightly varied. All of them aim to give you the necessary tools to track your organization. So when you are looking for a performance management solution, look for the capabilities that you would want the software to have. These can include everything that you have been doing manually so far and a lot of it depends on the kind of organization that you run.

For organizations selling products, you are measuring how much of each SKU is stored in inventory and how in-stock and turnover rates of specific SKU's are performing in comparison to each other. Any organization also needs to keep track of sales performance on many different levels, daily, weekly, monthly, or annually. For multi-national corporations, every aspect of business comes in to play, including manufacturing efficiency, market mechanics, individual performance tracking and other things. The application that you purchase should allow you to track any type of data, such as these, rather than being dedicated only to one functional area. This also means the application needs to access unlimited disparate data sources in one interface. The application should be flexible enough to allow comparisons of any historical and current data, to slice and dice by various drivers, and include visualization features to permit the discovery of patterns or trends in the data.

Flexibility for date selection and date grouping are other features that should be supported in the software that you are evaluating. This means that the software should have to ability to easily expand and contract the timeline of any displayed data that is date based. For example, take daily and monthly sales numbers. By looking at a larger time frame you will be easily able to locate patterns, such as seasonal ones, if any exist. There should also geo-tagging features, whereby large companies with a national and/or global presence can keep track of their performances by area.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hack Back Your Computer - Revive Your Lagging Pc

Over time and use with a windows machine you may notice that it does not run as fast as when you first got it.

This is usually because of a number of different problems that can occur with regular use of a computer. The smart computer user knows about these things and how to repair them on their own rather then having to hire a technician to solve the problem, (costing you time with out your computer and usually around 50 dollars an hour).

Possible problems usually include one or many of the following things:


They happen, even if you spend all the money you can on antivirus software, you likely don’t even know you have one.


Loosely falls under the same definition as a virus but with some negligible variations, can also include programs that hit you computer with nasty pop ups and redirect you to web pages you don’t want to visit.


This is a comprehensive list of all programs that have ever been installed on your computer, sometimes when you uninstall a program some information can still be left on this list, the longer you have your computer the larger this list is likely to be.

To much junk

Unused programs and applications (different browser menus, and other programs)

Start up programs

On the bottom right of your computer beside the clock is usually a bunch of icons. These represent programs that are running on your computer at a given time, the problem is that not all programs that are running display an icon in the taskbar. There is usually much more programs running at a time that you are unaware of.

So lets get started then. Bellow are some tips almost any computer user can performe, to help speed up your computer

1. Restore Point

Before we get started we are going to record a windows restore point. If at any point you feel you’ve made a big mistake you can always go back into the windows restore program and reverte to where you’re computer was at before you tried to fix it. This should give you the confidence to play and adjust settings on your computer without the worry of messing it up. To do this you go to the start menu -> Program files - > Accessories -> System tools -> System restore.

A new program will open from there all you have to do is ask your computer to set a restore point, later if needed you can revert to it. A restore point is a virtual snap shot of your computers settings. It may take a few moments to process.

2. Safe Mode

Because you probably have viruses and unwanted programs slowing down your computer, in order to make the clean up process easier and more efficient we will put your computer into safe mode to run quicker. Safe mode is a basic start up of windows without all the extra bells and whistles that slow down your computer. Also if there is any viruses or programs running on your computer they will very likely not be running in safe mode.

To get into safe mode simply restart your computer then right as it is starting up press F8 on your keyboard, A menu will come up listing some options for you, you need to select Safe mode with networking so that you can still have access to the internet.

It is important to press F8 at a precise time as windows is starting up, some computers will prompt you on the bottom of the screen as its loading but its ok if you just keep pressing it until the menu loads, you can definitely press it more than once.

3a. Windows Updates

Windows frequently releases security updates for problems they find with their operating system. It is usually set up to do it automatically but most people ignore it for whatever reason. Even if this is not the case go to www.windowsupdate.microsoft.com and run through their automatic updates program. Its really easy just basically keep clicking yes and next until it is complete. Once the updates are finished it will prompt you to restart your computer, do so before you continue onto the next step.

3b. Restart Again

The computer will likely restart you into normal windows mode, we will continue to work on your computer through safe mode as it will run the next steps quicker, and we can pretty much guarantee that the viruses won’t be running aswell. So restart your computer again and enter into safe mode again.

4. Anti-virus

Ok the easy step to do now is to run a virus scan. Even if you don’t have an anti-virus program on your computer you can still scan your computer for free. The site I recommend is antivirus.com put on by a company called trendmicro, this company mainly profits from its corporate clients but offers a free online scan to public users. Simply go to antivurs.com and look for their free online services for home and office use. Then follow the instructions to run the housecall program on all your local hard drives. This program will provide a current scan of your computer removing all known viruses. Its updates everyday with new definitions so you always know you have an up to date program.

There are a couple other virus programs I should mention. Some of the commercial versions of virus software (Norton and Mcafee) are usually expensive, and require a subscription. In addition to the cost they all use alot of your computers resources to run. So if you are trying to remove virus to speed up a computer by installing Norton you likely won’t notice a difference in speed as it is probably making just as slow.

The solution is to get AVG free edition, Which is a free virus program for all to use, They do also have a subscription version that has a few more features but even the full version of AVG uses way less resources on your computer then norton or Mcafee.So after you’ve finished fixing your computer if you do want to install an antivirus program you may choose to.

4b. Restart in normal mode

At this point you will need to restart you computer and let it boot normally to get out of safe mode


This program isn’t very well known to most computer users but it is crucial to keeping your computer clean and organized. MSCONFIG is a windows program on all windows machines that controls all start up settings. To access it go to your start menu and click on the run command then type MSCONFIG and press enter.
This program will open in a new window and there will usually be 4 tabs at the top of the window. The main one that you can edit with little difficulty or computer knowledge is the start up tab, click on it and you will see a list of all programs that start when your computer starts up. In reality there is really only 2 or 3 programs that are absolutely necessary These are your systray and anything to do with windows explorer. At this point what you can do is go through the list and uncheck any programs that look suspicious or that you know are malicious or unwanted. When you apply the settings it will ask you to reboot. Once the reboot is complete if all is well you can uncheck more of the programs from the list and see if you computer will still run as you need it. Usually I uncheck almost all of them then add the ones I absolutely need back in after. You can also work in reverse and gradually remove a few at a time and make sure your computer is still ok after each reset. You will need to performe this step a number of times until you have the computer running as quickly as possible with the programs you need.

Usually some of the types of programs that are ok to have on your start up include your software for your burner, msn, your antivirus software, printer software,windows themes.

Tip: If your not sure what a particular program does then you can google all the information list in the startup list on that program and you can usually get an answer.

6. Registry

Similarly to MSCONFIG and the start up list. Your computer registry stores a list of all programs that have ever been installed on your machine. So if you’ve had your computer a while and added and removed alot of programs there can be alot of entries in your registry. A handy program also available on the antivirus.com site is the Hijack This program. This program allows you to clean up and edit your registry.

Be very careful with this step, only remove entries you are sure that are old and unused. This can mess up your computer if done incorrectly, that is why the hijack this program is a good tool to use. Risk of failure can be reduced by setting another restore point before you performe this task.

The windows program that is used to allow you to perform the same task is called REGEDIT. I would only suggest this program for advanced users, and I only use it when I know specifically what program I want to remove from the registry as I can search for it with the find and replace tool.

Hope these tips provide you with a little more confidence and can save you a few service call to the tech support companies.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Windows vs. Linux

Both operating systems are fundamentally different in their design and operation. Linux is an open-source derivative of Unix. Windows is the most prominent proprietary operating system, while Linux is the most prominent operating system that is free software. Unix has a two-user model. There is the root user, everything is allowed, and all other users, whose rights are severely restricted. A user must perform actions that require extended rights, he may do so only if the rights of the user gets root. This is also still the case and leads to considerable difficulties in the implementation of computer security concepts.

The first non-MS-DOS-based Windows NT 3.1 was in the years 1988 to 1993 from Microsoft Windows NT got different security architecture than UNIX. Even Windows has a powerful user named SYSTEM. However, it is not possible to register under that name. All other users have different global rights. An administrator who attempts to access a file, for which he does not have the authorization, you, like any other user, an error message. However, he has the right to file on his property make. This can be done easily via the Windows Explorer. Then he can even assign permissions and the file to use as desired.

Windows must boot from a primary partition. Linux can boot from either a primary partition or a logical partition inside an extended partition. Windows must boot from the first hard disk. Linux can boot from any hard disk in the computer. Other users without administrator rights to self-directories can be assigned. If a user the right to "take ownership" for a directory including all subdirectories that time. That is not possible under Linux. Basically, Microsoft has in the development of Windows NT recognized that the superuser model of UNIX for modern distributed computing systems is to be kept simple.

By all the above discussion, we can conclude that Linux is far better than Windows operating system. Linux have better network and processing capabilities. For server user, home or desktop user, Linux is much cheaper as compared to Windows operating system. Microsoft allows a single copy of Windows to be used on only one computer but we can run Linux on any number of computers without any additional charges. Linux as having an extremely enhanced security and lesser chances of exploits as compared to Windows.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Lenovo 'Pocket Yoga' Laptop

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Designer Keywords

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Future Laptops With Stylish Look